Focused on flexibility

The Transmodul transportation robot from Schubert

Transmodul transport robot

The solution to virtually all packaging challenges – the Transmodul from Schubert

In automation, efficient processes are the key to greater competitiveness and long-term viability in the market. Fast-moving consumer goods with frequent product changes call for a high degree of flexibility from machines and lines. Increased environmental awareness and the associated demands for greater sustainability are leading to additional challenges. Transportation robots play a decisive role in adapting your packaging processes to new requirements and ensuring that they are future-proof. To ideally prepare you to meet tomorrow’s requirements, the Schubert Transmodul provides you with a cross-process, efficient and exceptionally flexible automation solution that guarantees maximum availability.

Cutting-edge technology

All the benefits you need from a single source – Schubert makes it possible

Are you dealing with multiple packaging systems, different cycle times and overly complex internal logistics? Not with the Transmodul from Schubert!

The Transmodul is an extraordinarily flexible and powerful transport robot that seamlessly merges packaging processes into a highly efficient overall system. With the Transmodul from Schubert, you transform a series of standalone solutions into a perfectly coordinated seamless process – more efficient, more flexible and more space-saving.

Thanks to the exceptional versatility of the transportation robot, you can always redesign packaging tasks, and remain agile and future-proof. High machine availability and outstanding line efficiency make your processes significantly more cost-effective and sustainable.


Seamless processes – a milestone in the packaging industry

Since its introduction in 2009, the Transmodul developed by Schubert has impressed the packaging industry with a quantum leap in efficiency, compactness, flexibility and cost-effectiveness. The transport robot disengages individual packaging steps from the conventional linear process and connects them in a new way – via seamless, fully automatic processes with a previously unheard-of flexibility. Whether differently timed at each station, travelling in a network or disengaging certain process steps from a network – automated packaging tasks that were previously impossible can be performed by the Transmodul in a single compact system.

On the end-to-end track line, the transport modules move independently with their load from station A to station B, C and any other stations until they tip to the side at the end of the line and return to the starting position on the underside of the track. They can deliver – individually or as a fixed formation – erected cartons for quickly packaging ready-for-sale products, support the pre-grouping of several product components for subsequent assembly or even transport filled packages to the closing station. Virtually any format part can be mounted to the modules, which makes them suitable for a wide range of products and sectors.


Efficiency on all levels

For future-proof processes

There is no doubt that packaging processes are better when perfectly coordinated technology is integrated seamlessly and flexibly into the overall process. bottlenecks can be compensated for easily and quickly and the overall efficiency of the line can be increased – thanks to the high level of modularity. This is where the Transmodul excels: with the first-ever transport robot from Schubert, you can combine the separate modules of your packaging line into an efficiently streamlined, flowing overall process.

Extremely robust system components and system-inherent redundancy ensure high machine availability: If a single Transmodul should fail on the line, the packaging line can still continue to run with reduced output. The Transmoduls can also be replaced quickly and easily as long as a replacement module is available.

The Transmodul can be flexibly adapted to almost any cycle time with high acceleration and load capacity. Inductive power supply with buffer storage and recuperation of braking energy ensures the best possible energy efficiency. A compact layout and high power density make ideal use of the available space.


Uncompromising quality

Maximum process reliability, minimum waste

Coordinated processes, interface-free lines – this is how you can achieve a perfectly smooth-running process flow without any problematic surprises. Matching the technology to your needs, robust components and reliable signal management via modern radio technology ensure the flawless functioning of the transport robot at all times – even at demanding speeds and in the event of messy packaging processes.

Gentle acceleration and braking processes protect your high-quality products during the transport process. Individually designed robotic tools grip precisely where they are intended to – reducing handling damage to an absolute minimum. Schubert will support you in the design and construction of format parts that are perfectly customised to your product, eliminating unnecessary format changes and ensuring ease of operation.

Transmodul for cosmetics

Keeping it flexible

Adaptability thanks to modularity

Rapid product range changes have become the norm in the consumer goods sector. This makes it all the more important that your packaging processes can adapt quickly. With the packaging machines supported by the Transmodul, you as a manufacturer are far more flexible than with linear process control: The time factor can be stretched or shortened as needed within individual process steps, because the Transmodul seamlessly ensures the fastest possible connection in all cases.

Moreover, you have a transport robot on hand that can be quickly adapted to new formats with modular tools, especially 3D-printed format parts. A double exchangeable base plate multiplies the combination possibilities on the Transmodul’s format plates: On the exchangeable base plate, even smaller format parts can be exchanged. If you then print new format sets yourself using 3D printing via the Schubert PARTBOX, the introduction of new products or packaging is considerably simplified and accelerated.

More efficient day-to-day production

Machine stops are now a thing of the past

Unplanned machine downtimes are always a nuisance and an economic risk, no matter what product you are packaging. With a Transmodul in your line, you can sit back and relax, because the transport robot’s design ensures a certain degree of redundancy. Even if a single Transmodul should fail, your production continues to run. The packaging line largely compensates for the loss with the other vehicles on the track line, which contribute to maintaining the entire packaging process with reduced performance. A damaged Transmodul can also be replaced easily and quickly with a new one. And Schubert’s transport robot’s robust technology and design mean that it is still ready for use even in the event of contamination.


The Transmodul – state-of-the-art automation

Your benefits at a glance

Reliability: With Schubert technology, you are on the safe side twice over – with your customers in terms of quality and delivery reliability, and with your company in terms of profitability and efficiency.

Future-proof: The Transmodul from Schubert is a flexible automation technology that manages several tasks with a single solution and guarantees maximum flexibility for the future.

Innovation: With the Schubert Transmodul, you achieve high-performance, all-encompassing and sustainable processes at the cutting edge of technology.

Competitive edge: The Transmodul is a globally unique technology that represents a real milestone in the entire packaging industry.

The Transmodul is a powerhouse – for virtually all industries

Do you have to meet the highest requirements for comprehensive packaging tasks that combine primary, secondary and tertiary packaging? Do you package products into cartons and boxes? Do you demand the highest standards of quality, machine availability and flexibility for quick format changes? Do you need a compact machine layout, efficient processes and interface-free packaging lines?

With the Transmodul from Schubert, you have a transport robot that is as multifaceted as your requirements. Perfectly suited, for example, for automation in the following industries:

Icon Food


Icon Confectionery


Icon bakery goods

Bakery products

Icon dairy

Dairy products

Icon Cosmetics

Cosmetics, skin and body care, and cleaning products

Icon Pharma

Pharmaceutical products

Icon pet food

Pet food

Transmodul in use

Just a few examples of successful customer applications

Don’t just rely on what we have to say – find out what your peers are saying about Schubert’s Transmodul.

Transport robot Transmodul for cosmetics producer Best World

Best World International (Cosmetics)

Since 1990, the Singapore-based company has specialised in the development and distribution of high-quality skin care products, body care, health and wellness. The fully automatic filling and packaging line can meet high filling accuracy of even the smallest quantities – ranging from 15 to 118 millilitres – without leakage losses.

Schubert-Cosmetics designed a sustainable monoblock filling line for bottles as a solution that quickly pays for itself. High flow rates of different viscosities into a wide variety of bottle formats can be achieved, as easily as quick format changes and individualised cosmetics. With the Transmodul, a transport robot is in use that adapts ideally to all requirements and ensures an exceptionally reliable and efficient process flow.

To Case study
Transmodul in use for Kühne

Kühne (Food)

This leading manufacturer of convenience products counts on high efficiency. Its new packaging line for barbecue sauces and remoulades not only has to work efficiently, but also sustainably and smartly. The main task is to packag jars and bottles into folding cartons as secondary packaging. A grouping chain was dispensed with due to high noise levels and risk of breakage. Previously, format changes had to be scheduled over several shifts requiring a great deal of time.

With the Transmodul, these issues are now a thing of the past. The flexible tools reliably prevent noise and breakage during transport, even with the highest outputs. Thanks to easy adaptability, Kühne is also ideally optimally prepared for future format changes – much more quickly and more easily than in the past. Thanks to meaningful, intelligent analysis of performance data, it was also possible to significantly increase OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness).

To Case Study
Transmodul in use for Mozart balls

Reber (Confectionery)

The Transmodul has also proven its worth with elaborate packaging such as Reber’s carded chocolate boxes for its popular Mozart balls: In the complete line’s compact cartoner, up to seven boxes can be simultaneously filled with trays. A cushioning paper is also applied to protect the fine marzipan balls and a guarantee card is inserted into each box. Finally, the erected lid is put on. All process steps are seamlessly connected by the transport robot. All in all, the manufacturer has achieved a performance increase of more than 30 per cent. And, thanks to the high flexibility in terms of tray and box formats, Reber now has the ideal prerequisites to successfully take on further product innovations.

To Case Study
Transmodul in use for Madeleines Bijou

Bijou (Baked goods)

How the Transmodul enables an extremely large variety of formats to be produced in a single line can be seen at the French Bijou baked goods manufacturer. The fully automated line fills a variety of different mixed formats and special tin formats with madeleines, small cakes, biscuits and wafer rolls. For instance, the transport robot conveys both round and square tins to the filling station. With a specially developed 3D-printed format plate, all ten tin formats can be safely transported on the Transmodul without requiring any changes.

To Case Study
Transmodul in use for Pharmaceutical packaging

CSL Behring (Pharma)

Pharmaceutical packaging is a highly sensitive and demanding process that makes it one of the supreme disciplines of packaging technology. Schubert-Pharma has designed a compact system for CSL Behring AG in Bern in which all packaging steps are bundled, from product labelling and cartoning, to packaging on the pallet. The combination of two Transmodul lines and the additional integration into the company’s production control system has resulted in a line that packs highly sensitive human plasma preparations with absolutely reliability and safety into different packaging formats and container sizes ready for dispatch.

To Case Study

"The Transmodul is a game changer for us. It ensures exceptional flexibility in the transport of products – allowing containers to be kept at the ready without the need for accumulation. Since the products do not touch each other, they are transported silently and without friction or damage."

Jean-Philippe Dubois
President and Managing Director of Madeleines Bijou


Are you interested in finding out more about the many advantages of the Transmodul?

Stefan Horvath

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